Fear that prevents the process of conceiving



Publication date: 26.01.2022



Strong feelings affect a woman’s reproductive system in its own way. Isolation, anxiety or chronic stress affects the immune system, cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract. the so-called occurrence of pregnancy Among the top fears, the loss of female body shapes is in the lead. The expectant mother worries that her body will not be as attractive as before. Yes – he worries, and this thought is often unconscious. Fear, in some cases, may be caused by the future child, because it is perceived as a threat to the couple’s life. Some women believe that a baby may create difficulties and, in this context, break the partnership. The cause of anxiety in expectant mothers may be the fear of childbirth. What they often do not know and it is revealed during psycho-consultation. Therefore, it is important along with physical health.

It is desirable for a modern woman to focus on her own body and personal resources and rationally manage difficulties. This is related to the correct overcoming of stress. One of the main factors for the future mother is how well she knows her feminine part, sexuality and how expressive she is. All this is related to history and experience of parents. What kind of relationship did the girl have with her parents? Was he a wanted child? Preferred gender? The perception of negative experiences is different among women. Any severe, incompletely experienced events (violence, loss of a family member, relative, fetus, etc.) delay the onset of pregnancy.

Teona Gomarteli

Doctor-psychotherapist.Cognitive-behavioral therapist.Member of the Caucasian Body-Centered Psychotherapy (CABP) Association.Participant of the International Biosynthesis Program (Swiss Institute).Training-stress in the modern world and strategies for coping with stress__strategies.

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